
President, Chien-Ning Huang

President HuangPresident, Chien-Ning Huang, M.D., Ph.D.

TEL: 886-4-2473-0022, ext. 11010

FAX: 886-4-2475-9950

E-mail: cshy049@gmail.com


Educational Background:

 M.D. – Department of Medicine, Chung Shan Medical University (1984~1991)

 M.S – Institute of Medicine, Chung Shan Medical University (1994~1996)

 Ph.D.-Institute of Medicine, Chung Shan Medical University (1999~2004)


I. Postgraduate Training:

  1. Chief resident, Department of Internal Medicine, Chung Shan Medical University Hospital (1994-1995).
  2. Researcher fellowship, Division of Endocrinology and Metabolism, National Taiwan University Hospital (1996-1998).
  3. Assistant professor of Internal Medicine, Chung Shan Medical University (2002~ 2004)

II. Membership of Academic Society:

  1. The Diabetes Association of the Republic of China
  2. Taiwan Society of Internal Medicine
  3. Taiwanese Association of Diabetes Educator
  4. The Taiwanese Osteoporosis Association

III. Academic Appointments:

  1. President, Chung Shan Medical University(2020~now)
  2. Vice-President, Chung Shan Medical University(2015~2020)
  3. Superintendent in General, Chung Shan Medical University Hospital (2014~ 2020)
  4. Professor of Internal Medicine, Chung Shan Medical University (2009~ present).
  5. Professor, Institute of Medicine, Chung Shan Medical University (2009~Present)
  6. Vice Superintendent, Medical Research, Chung Shan Medical University Hospital (2011~2014)
  7. Director, Institute of Medicine, Chung Shan Medical University (2011~2014)
  8. Chairman of Internal Medicine, Chung Shan Medical University Hospital (2006~2011).
  9. Chief of Endocrinology & Metabolism, Department of Internal Medicine, Chung Shan Medical University Hospital (1998~present).

IV. Professional Affiliation:

  1. President, The Diabetes Association of the Republic of China (Taiwan) (2019~ Now)
  2. Director, Taiwan Nongovernmental Hospital &Clinics Association (2013~Now)
  3. Director, Taiwan Global Healthcare Association (2015~Now)
  4. Supervisor, The Association For Healthcare Quality, Taiwan Republic of China (2013~2020)