
Department of Medical Imaging and Radiological Sciences


About Us

Since 1895 Roentgen discovered that X-ray beams had the capabilities for imaging human bodies in non-invasive imaging methods and provided physicians with the information for direct diagnostic judgment. This concept is then developed into different imaging techniques, such as X-ray imaging, computed tomography, magnetic resonance imaging, ultrasound, positron computed tomography, etc. In current clinical medicine, these modalities are used as the basis for medical diagnosis.

Radiation beams can be used as diagnosis tools in medical imaging. In addition, we can also take advantage of higher-energetic radiation beams or radionuclides to treat neoplastic diseases (radiation treatment). As an old saying goes, "The water that bears the boat is the same that swallows it.", in medicine, radiation can provide clinical diagnostic imaging and treatment; on the other hand, it is necessary to provide and maintain radiation safety of working environment. All these factors are making medical imaging an increasingly booming area.



This department offers four-year of bachelor degree and two-year of master degree. Our courses are designed to equipped our students with knowledge of both engineering and medicine sciences, mostly focusing on fundamental training and clinical practices. The purpose is to have our graduates have the capabilities to work in clinical environment as a professional radiologist.

To stimulate students’ potentials in jobs or further studies, this department also provide specialized trainings to enhance their research skills and relevant technologies. Moreover, we also encourage students’ participations and contributions to nationwide symposium or conferences abroad.



(1).This department provides a very well education and training environment. Students from this department receive a very high percent of approval rate for nationwide license exam every year.

(2).This department is very actively collaborated with partner programs to provide internships for prospective students, and their subsequent job opportunities oversea.

(3).Strong alumni cohesion and their feedbacks to department.



The curriculum of the Department of Medical Imaging and Radiological Sciences offers a series of science lectures leading for their clinical applications.


Freshman year

It is mainly based on basic subjects, including the training of English ability, the cultivation of general education and humanities, the theoretical deduction of physics, chemistry and calculus, and the establishment of medical foundations in general biology.


Sophomore year

Mainly important subjects of basic radiology, including radiophysics, radiochemistry, radiobiology, medical imaging principles, applied mathematics, medical image processing and storage and transmission systems, medical electronic circuits and basic medicine including: anatomy, pathology Science, biostatistics and physiology, as well as computer programming.


Junior year

Mainly related subjects of radiology technology, including diagnostic radiology technology, magnetic resonance, ultrasonic diagnostic technology, radiotherapy technology, nuclear medicine technology, radiopharmaceuticals, radiological diagnostic equipment, radiotherapy equipment, molds Production and simulation photography, etc., as well as clinical courses such as radiology and introduction to clinical medicine.


Senior year

Hospital internship courses are provided to enable students to have clinical practical skills and acquire clinical knowledge, so that they can have clinical training for qualified medical radiologists. A summary of various professional radiology disciplines. The aim is to let students understand the value of radiology work in the entire medical system, and review all professional related courses and review them in addition to clinical practice, so as to facilitate the acquisition of medical radiologist license.


Career opportunities

1. Radiation technologist

2. Radiation protection personnel

3. Medical physicist

4. Customs officers for X-ray detector

5. Engineer or salesman in a medical devices company

6. Engineer in a picture archive and communication system (PACS) company

7. Master and Ph.D. graduate student (medical imaging and radiological sciences, medical engineer, electrical engineer and other relevant institutes)


Master class

The master's program of this department extends the basic and clinical study of the bachelor’s program. To stimulate students’ potentials in jobs or further studies, we provide specialized trainings to enhance their research skills and relevant technologies of medical radiologists and radiologists in medical departments such as hospital radiology diagnosis, nuclear medicine and radiotherapy. We have the largest number of clinical teachers in radiology and the most High-quality clinical equipment support. Additionally, we offer corporate internships and clinical medical physics training courses, which provide significant advantages for career development in related fields.


Faculty profile

Please refer to faculty profile link.


Chuang-Chun Chao (莊濬超)
TEL:+886 4 24730022 ext. 12374  or +886 4 36098853

Department Staff
Yan-Rong Chen  (陳彥蓉)
TEL:+886 4 24730022 ext. 11738  or +886 4 36098790

Ming-Jen Lee  (李明仁)
TEL:+886 4 24730022 ext. 11712  or +886 4 36098791

