
Graduate Institute of Oral Sciences


About Us

Chung Shan Dental College was founded by Dr. Ju-Chuan Chou in 1960. The same year, the college admitted its first class of dentistry students, and later medical program was joined to the college, and renamed it to be Chung Shan Medical and Dental College in 1962. In 2001, after years of development and many programs gradually joined to this university, the university was then renamed again as Chung Shan Medical University (CSMU).

Enter the new millennium, a new dental clinic in university hospital was established in 2000. The clinic was later expanded to be the Oral Medicine Clinic designated as a specialty training hospital for different dentistry specialties including oral and maxillofacial surgery, oral and maxillofacial pathology, prosthodontics, orthodontics, operative dentistry and family dentistry. The clinic also offers training programs in periodontology, endodontics, and pedodontics plus combined trainings in perio-prosthetics, ortho-pedodontics, and perio-implantology.



The College of Oral Medicine of Chung Shan Medical University offers DDS degree, and two graduate degrees at master and doctoral levels were also offered by two graduate programs in this college, the Graduate Program in Dentistry and Graduate Institute of Oral Sciences. Our graduate programs accept both domestic students and international students. The college welcomes international applications from all over the world. To encourage international applications, scholarships are available for qualified international students. Meanwhile, this college also offer in-service education programs for practicing dentists, to meet our goal for learning throughout life. Basically, most students complete their master degrees within two to four years of study and research, which include basic dentistry-related courses and a clinical training in selected specialty. The doctoral program of the Graduate Program in Dentistry and Graduate Institute of Oral Sciences require three to eight years of study, internship and practice. The latter programs offer Doctor of Philosophy degree and prepare our graduates for faculty careers or cultivate them to be independent researchers.


International Admission

The Oral Medicine College commits quality education and supports to our international students at all levels. The undergraduate degree, which is equivalent to Doctor of Dental Surgery (DDS), is given to those completed six years of dentistry education including internship at qualified dentistry facilities. Both graduate degrees, master and Ph.D., are given to those admitted to the program and fulfilled the requirements for the degrees within time limit.


International Application

Those applicants who pose foreign passport and no ROC (Taiwan) nationality is defined as International students. Further information could be able to acquire from Office of Academic Affair.


Faculty profile

Please refer to faculty profile link.


Contact Us

College of Oral Medicine

Secretary: Ms. Lin, Melodie

Phone: 886-4-24718668 ext 55333

Email: cs5317@csmu.edu.tw


School of Dentistry

Secretary: Mr. Yang, Shin-Huang / Ms. Lin, Wan-Ling

Phone: 886-4-24718668 ext 55011

Email: cs5011@csmu.edu.tw


Graduate School of Dentistry

Secretary: Mr. Yang, Shin-Huang

Phone: 886-4-24718668 ext 55011

Email: cs5011@csmu.edu.tw


Graduate Institute of Oral Biology and Biomaterial Science

Secretary: Ms. Pan, Ya-Fang

Phone: 886-4-24718668 ext 55015

Email: cs5011@csmu.edu.tw
