Department of Nutrition


About Us

The Department of Nutrition was founded in 1981 to provide a four-year bachelor’s degree aiming to cultivate professionals and specialists in the field of food and nutrition in response to the national and/or worldwide demand. To broaden outreach and to drive the development of research, the Graduate Institute of Nutritional Science for postgraduate studies including master’s and doctoral degrees was established in 1993 and 2001 respectively. To empower and inspire students to be their best in combining theoretical knowledge and practical skills, the Department of Nutrition and the Graduate Institute of Nutritional Science were merged in 2008 as a single Department, compassing Bachelor, Master, Doctoral and Master Continuing Program. In 2007, 2013, and 2018 we have honorably been accredited by the Foundation of Higher Education Evaluation & Accreditation Council of Taiwan.

The students in four-year undergraduate programs are qualified for nationwide license examine to be certified dietitians. Some students decide to pursue careers in healthcare industry, government jobs, and medical/clinical researches. The two-year master’s program and doctoral degree provide students with opportunities to acquire knowledge and skills for higher levels of clinical dietitian or healthcare professional, as well as to prepare them for a further academic or research career.



The curriculum of the Department of Nutrition offers a series of basic and applied science lectures leading to clinical application, biological sector, community education, and food service. In freshman and sophomore years, students will receive comprehensive training in science education with medical and dietetic application, including biology, chemistry, biochemistry, organic chemistry, introduction to nutrition and food science, health concepts of vegetables and fruits, and etc. Students in junior and senior years will be trained in advanced food and nutrition related areas, including medical nutrition therapy, nutrition counseling, nutrition in critical care, food chemistry, food sanitation and safety, quantity food production and management and a 504-hour-internship in an accredited hospital nutritional and dietetic department. In our master program, in addition to 24 credits of lectures, a written thesis and a defense seminar is necessary to fulfill the requirement of the degree. For pursuing a doctoral degree, in addition to a certain amount of required course works, a Ph.D. dissertation and oral defense are essential, as well as two publications in highly recognized journals.



This department has a very strong link with Nutrition and Dietetic department in CSMU affiliated Hospital to create an ideal environment to support students’ training. For undergraduate internships, our students have the opportunities to attend almost all accredited hospitals in Taiwan for their clinical practices to fulfill the requirement for National Board License Exam. The faculty of the department also actively participate in professional societies and serve as key roles in local and nationwide nutrition and functional food societies. Memorandums of Understanding between universities have been signed between our department and others, including Kōshien University (Japan), University of Shimane (Japan), and Benguet State University (Philippines), to create programs for students and faculty. For example, we have hosted an annular program with Benguet State University for our students every year. Moreover, visiting students from Chulalongkorn University (Thailand) and Kōshien University (Japan) are coming to our university for a short-term exchange program in clinical nutrition, culinary and culture learning in Taiwan.


Faculty profile

Please refer to the faculty profile link.



A variety of research projects are currently taken in this department ranging from nutrition, cancer research, biotechnology, functional food, food safety and many others. The individual research interest of each faculty member should be able to find on their profiles.